Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Just saying

As i was driving to work two things were in my mind, a great day a head, and how i can realize what i really want, then i tuned in Classic 105 for the first time in 3 weeks, i was glad Maina Kageni is back and i thought i would be having a good morning. Then as always there was traffic around Nyayo stadium roundabout.

So i took out my phone and browsed through twitter and with social media expect to find anything, breaking news, developing story and some stale news from someone who probably missed it the previous day. Well i thought i was a twitterholic until i met Alykhan and Edwin Kiama, then there is Denis Onsarigo, Robin Jilo, and Mumo of capital always on top of things.

Anyway this morning what struck me was the news that the PMs house help was found dead in the morning by her workmates after she failed to wake up to perform her daily chores, well am not a forensic expert but i read between the lines when Onsarigo added details that she had been warming herself using a jiko. So i assumed its  a charcoal jiko.

Well if this is true it may have been  carbon monoxide poisoning, its happened previously elsewhere and its always making news, but this would be unique in that it happened at the PMs. So my question is, and am just saying, what on earth is a charcoal jiko doing at the PMs house?

Roasting maize?  reminds me one time when i was on assignment i spotted a goat tethered in that compound, just saying again maybe the PM wants to be as traditional as possible, well Nyongo onces said he takes Nyoyo in the morning, hmmmmmm!  they are not alone my father does too. So the Jiko was justified to be at the official residence of the PM.

Well this got me thinking, if the 45 year old house help was warming herself using the jiko, it means there are no electric heaters in that compound at least for her! I have one and it cost me about 3,000 shillings. meaning it is affordable.

Well without prejudice to the ongoing investigations, i wonder why the house help would have not afforded an electric heater, but a gain am just saying. Condolences to that family.


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